Sonic Boom is a cartoon comedy series that is aimed at children centering on Sonic, with his friends, Tails, Amy and Knuckles, their never ending search for adventure and their battles with their nemesis Doctor Eggman. Other characters, both new and old, will also join the ensemble.
Sonic boom saison 2 streaming vf
Bande Annonce Sonic Boom
OĂą regarder Sonic Boom en streaming ?
Sonic Boom n'est pas encore disponible sur Netflix, Amazon Prime Video ou Disney+.-
Coffret intégrale Sonic X
Coffret intégrale Super Mario Bros
Distribution Sonic Boom
Cindy Robinson
Colleen O'Shaughnessey
Colleen Villard
Kate Micucci
Kirk Thornton
Mike Pollock
Nika Futterman
Roger Craig Smith
Travis Willingham
Wally Wingert
RĂ©partition des critiques par notes
Tu as pensé quoi du film ?
Fiche technique Sonic Boom
- Série tournée en anglais
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