Comic Book Men

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  • CrĂ©ation 2012 TerminĂ©
  • 7 saisons
  • Avec Bryan Johnson, George Perez, Kevin Smith, Lou Ferrigno, Michael ZAPCIC, Mike Zapcic, Ming CHEN, Rob Bruce, Stan Lee et Walter Flanagan
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Synopsis Comic Book Men

Comic Book Men is a show that is for Fanboys by Fanboys. Set in uber-geek Kevin Smith's iconic comic shop Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash, the show explores every nook and cranny of Fanboy culture from A to Z. Endless circular debates about the technical accuracy of the USS Enterprise's warp-core schematics? Snarky comic aficionados with an encyclopedic knowledge of every Marvel back issue? You bet.

Bande Annonce Comic Book Men

OĂą regarder Comic Book Men en streaming ?

Comic Book Men n'est pas encore disponible sur Netflix, Amazon Prime Video ou Disney+.

Fiche technique Comic Book Men

  • SĂ©rie tournĂ©e en anglais
  • Xmen lIntegrale Coffret 5 Bluray inclu XMen Le commencement