In 1995 and 2005, spanning across two time-periods, Like a Dragon: Yakuza, an original crime-suspense-action series, follows the life, childhood friends, and repercussions of the decisions of Kazuma Kiryu, a fearsome and peerless Yakuza warrior with a strong sense of justice, duty, and humanity.
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Où regarder Like a Dragon : Yakuza en streaming ?
Like a Dragon : Yakuza est disponible en streaming sur Prime Video.Distribution Like a Dragon : Yakuza

Kazuma Kiryu

Akira 'Nishiki' Nishikiyama
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Fiche technique Like a Dragon : Yakuza
- Série tournée en anglais
- Production Erik Barmack, Joshua Long, Masayoshi Yokoyama, Roberto Grande, Sean Crouch, Shuji Utsumi, Yugo Nakamura, 新野安行
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